When You Are Faced With A Very Hard Problem To Solve...

Where is the shortcut? What is the path of least resistance? Can you show me the steps you did so I can copy them and not figure them out on my own? Can you just give me the answer?

Life at times gives us hard problems. Be it work, school, relationships, or teams - each at times throws us something that can be frustrating. The answers aren't right in front of us. Google doesn't lead you to the page with the step-by-step instructions on how to solve it. What do you do now?

Those hard problems are exactly what they need you to figure out. We need more people capable of taking a hard problem and finding a solution. It may mean banging your head against the wall until you find a break through, but it is a hard problem, it is okay that your head hurts a little coming out of it. If you want an easy answer that is easy to look up and repeat the same steps you are in for a world of hurt because the world is changing. Robotics and artificial intelligence is changing jobs rapidly. If there are common repeatable steps I guarantee you that a machine can be taught those same steps. We are seeing it all over today. When was the last time you called customer service and got a person? 

Next time you find yourself with a hard problem, smile, you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to solve it. Then attack it, find an answer and go ask for another hard problem.


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