Best People To Learn From In Your Organization
If you are a manager or a leader within your organization there are two groups of people that I think you can learn the most from as far as making your team run better. First is the new people, fresh into your organization, without the baggage and history clouding their judgement and decisions. I make it a practice to talk with my new employees after they have been with the team for 90 days and get their insights. It doesn't matter if they are an experienced veteran changing companies for a new opportunity, or someone entering the workforce as their first real job. The information they have can help you see things with a new perspective since you are one of those people with a clouded view. What do you like that we do? What do you understand now that you wish someone would have explained earlier to you? What is one thing you would change? What do we do well you think we should do more of? Who are the individuals that have been the most helpful to you? What did they do that