Going Fast Sometimes Doesn't Get You There Quicker
The feeling of accomplishment at the end of a project is something that never gets old. It is awesome to get a project over the finish line and look at something you were able to accomplish. At times the finish line can become very exciting and you get in a rush to get there. You see it in runners, towards the end of a race, determining when the right moment is to go into their final burst to the finish line. Start too soon and you could tire out before you actually get over the finish line. Start too late and you won't be able to make up the distance you need.
When you get close to the end, it is easy to let you adrenaline kick in and urgently push for the finish line. But there are times when going faster in a project actually slows you down. I've done it before and it is something I have to remind myself on the projects I work on. Taking the time to make sure you aren't skipping steps and you have all of the facts and details straight is as important at the end of a project as it is in the beginning.
It is like the old saying, measure twice and cut once. Cutting the first board you are going to be careful, you know you have a long way to go. But when you are on the final dozen boards, and it is the end of the day and you just want to go home you start getting lazy. You think because you've done it a thousand times before this will be clear sailing. Measure once, cut...wrong. Now you have to do another one. Every mistake adds a step, another cut to make.
You can move with urgency and still be purposeful to not skip steps. Going fast doesn't always get you there quicker.
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