So You Don't Know How - Sounds Like The Best Time To Learn

That new thing that you need to do, it is complex and unknown to you, I get it. Learning new things can be challenging. Figuring out something you've never done before is intimidating. Yet I know that you are fully capable of figuring it out. Usually the difference between learning something new and not figuring it out is our attitude when it comes to learning.

People that go on about how they have no idea how to do something yet put zero effort into actually trying to learn might be my greatest annoyance in life. I've built things for my house that I've never built before. I've learned about technology, processes and equipment that I've never used before. When I had some soreness in my wrist I learned how to use a mouse left handed so I can switch back and forth. Every time I could have easily given up, said I don't know how and made someone else do it for me. Instead I made a choice to learn something I wasn't familiar with. It took some effort on my part, but it was worth it. Make the effort, I guarantee it will be worth it for you as well.

If you liked this post, others that may be of interest to you:
Creating A Learning Environment (July 17, 2018)
I Don't Know How To Do That...Yet (June 21, 2018)
Learning How To Learn (November 28, 2017)


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