Is That Seriously The Best You Can Do?

Everyone knows that cable TV is dying. People want options and control over what they want to watch without being tied into 2 year contracts and paying crazy fees. The people running the cable companies know this and it seems like instead of trying to re-imagine themselves and build a service that people actually want they make it harder and more confusing, frustrating people to find some way of reducing their service even more.

I have limited options for Internet Service, so I go through my cable company. Overall the service and quality has been pretty good. Not perfect but nothing really is, so I really can't complain about it. What I can complain about is the fact that I wanted to go online and see what the different speed and cost options were for me. I'm an existing customer. I log into my account and I can't find it anywhere on their site. I search. I enter my address to generate service options. All of them are for bundled services. They tell me I can save more money if I bundle TV, phone and Internet together. No I won't save money because I would end up spending twice as much as I do today for services that I don't need. Don't get me started on what happens once my promotion runs out after 6 to 12 months.

I just want Internet. Simple. But they make that a 45 minute process, having to chat with a customer service rep that wants to take me back through the whole process. Just tell me how fast for how much.

Now that I'm at the end of my rant, the lesson for me is two parts. One, always seek feedback and actually listen to it. The complaints about how customers are treated with cable companies are well known and it feels like they don't care. That is why they continue to lose customers. Two, you have to continually find new and better ways to service your customer. Markets, technology, options, competitors - all of them are constantly changing. If you aren't adapting to the changes eventually you will find yourself on the losing side.

We can always do better. We should always want to do better.


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