The Power In Our Words

Last week was a bad week for me. Nothing really major, just little problems at work and feeling like I'm not getting the job done. You know that feeling when you start debating in your head about what you believe people think about you. That maybe you aren't good at your job or whatever area of your life is weighing you down. That was me, trying to justify to myself why things were the way they were and knowing they are moving forward in the right direction, just never near as fast as I would like them to be.

But an encouraging word came, when it didn't need to be sent it arrived right when I needed to hear it. It allowed me to refocus and stop stressing about the things I couldn't control.

Our words have such power and too often we only use them to tear each other down. We withhold saying what we're thinking for the fear of sounding cheesy or insincere. Each of us contain so much ability to lift up, strengthen and motivate each other. We have the ability to restore hope to the people we interact with every day. If only we could move beyond our fear and vulnerability to say what others need to hear. Oh wait, we can if we were to only speak the words. It is a season of giving, for the rest of the year give a gift every day of sharing a word of encouragement with someone in your life. You have the power, how are you going to use it?


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