What Does A Life Well Lived Look Like?

The only thing that is guaranteed in life, is death. At the end of our days on Earth people that we know and love will gather together to say goodbye and share memories of us. Most of us will not be famous and remembered long after we are gone. What will be remembered is the impact and influence we had on the people around us.

Thinking of this I was reminded of a story I heard from David Nelson (@davidnelson86) who was a teammate of Tim Tebow and a two time college football national champion. In it he talked about how he came to Christ, his story was when he was in 8th grade students went to a conference but he didn’t have the money. The pastor called him up front, had him explain his situation and and asked the congregation who could give to help him go. At first nobody came up, he felt embarrassed and wanted to run and hide, but then this woman came up, pulled a Ziploc bag from her purse filled with coins and bills and said that she had been saving for years to treat herself to a spa trip but God called her to give him the money to go on the trip. He went on the trip and during it he gave his life to Christ and has never been the same. Fast forward and today he runs an organization that he started after a trip to Haiti to help send people on short term mission trips to experience the same things he did in Haiti. Some people complain to him, they don't understand why he doesn't focus on the needs that are in America first. He has found that they actually are helping people in this country because so many people that go to Haiti are changed and moved in such a way that they are more inclined to find out what they can do to help in their home town or local area. Sending people to Haiti makes more of an impact in here then if that was where he started, and he has heard countless testimonies to prove it.

I love this story because it shows what an impact one person can have on the world. One woman that chose to gave him the money that sent him to a conference that changed his life and set him on a path that has impacted thousands of people in the world. She may not have led a single other person to Christ, influenced a single other person and might not even have any idea about how she impacted David Nelson's life. But her act has had rippling effects through him.

A simple act of kindness from you can go a long way in this world. Giving a person your time, attention or gifts. You have the opportunity every day to impact the people around you in the smallest ways that can have a profound impact on the world. What does a life well lived look like? It looks like someone who doesn't pass up those little moments to do something big.


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